Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Pambling Roads ~~ My Wyoming Journal

 Pambling Roads ~~ Wyoming


Pambling Roads, Meeting the Americans continues.

Yellowstone National Park

Wow!!!! Over two million acres of breathtaking beauty. Besides a multitude of forest, you can see canyons, geysers, mountains, cliffs, caldrons, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, and a multitude of wildlife! We saw so many birds, hawks, eagles, antelope, deer, buffalo, elk, and moose. The buffalo were posing near the edge of the road.

Old Faithful Geyser…. Wow!

Yes, my husband finally saw his moose. It took over 10,000 miles of traveling but he finally got his moose! We didn’t see any bears or mountain lions, although I did call “kitty, kitty” to no avail. We spent two days at the park and didn’t see everything. If we return, we will most likely make a point to stay in the park and for at least a minimum of three nights in order for us to be able to enjoy everything the park has to offer.

Lower Geyser Basin, Upper Geyser Basin, Norris Geyser Basin, West Thumb, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Hayden Valley, and Mammoth Hot Springs are sites to see.

It was windy, drizzly, and cold while we were there but it didn’t deter us or anyone else. The wind would blow the steam and particles of water into our faces. Fortunately, it was cold enough to cool down the water before it hit us.

Some of the springs were deceiving, inviting, appearing warm and refreshing, but we knew enough not to walk anywhere but the boardwalks. As we walked along some of the boardwalks, we felt the steam and heat rising from underneath us.

I was stunned by Mud Volcano. It was breathtaking. The volcanic bubbling and spitting of ferociously hot mud and the Dragon’s Mouth Spring was hissing and sputtering hot molten water and steam.

The roads were being repaired in sections. It was definitely understandable. They needed to move roads to accommodate the expanding melting springs that tend to pop up anywhere they please.

We had to add this to our photos. It's definitely something we have never seen before.


Cody, Wyoming

We stayed at the Best Western Sunset Motor Inn

This was for us, a crash spot. We had every intention of seeing and touring the area. However, Yellowstone Park had been so incredible that we pushed ourselves to the max and our bodies and minds needed a rest. The need to sit down and do nothing out-weighed the desire for exploration.


 Black Hills, Wyoming

There is a huge difference between South Dakota drivers and Wyoming drivers. Wyoming drivers are pushy and rude. They take way too many suicidal chances: speeding, passing on curves, passing on hills, passing on curves with hills, driving too fast in mountainous areas and going into the oncoming lane on a curve because of excessive speed…just to name a few. We had to hit our brakes multiple times because vehicles were passing other vehicles and were in our lane…and no, a head on collision wasn’t on my bucket list!

We also watched a bit of road rage going on where someone in a Lamborghini passed us (on a curve, speeding) being chased by someone in a Camaro who also passed us (not on a curve but flooring it) trying to chase down the Lamborghini. This wasn’t a very relaxing nor enjoyable ride. We were also curious why someone driving a Camaro would actually believe they could catch a Lamborghini.

There were no rest areas for us to stop on the way to Sundance, Wyoming from Custer, SD. When we arrived in Sundance a little earlier than check-in time, we asked the clerk at the front desk if we could use the facilities. (Rodeway Inn) We explained to her that we would be checking in and understood that we were early. She refused to allow us to use any facilities on the property and recommended the dingy, rundown gas station next door.

Even though we understand that they can’t let just anyone use their facilities, she did know we were going to be staying there because we gave her our names. Whether reasonable or unreasonable, their denial left us with a bad taste for Rodeway Inn and the town of Sundance.

Instead of using the gas station, we chose to hit the highway (90) looking for a rest area. There were none to be found so we headed to Devil’s Tower and used their facilities (an hour from the hotel). We were not happy with Rodeway Inn.

We stayed one night at the Rodeway in Sundance, Wyoming.


Devil’s Tower


Devil’s Tower was fascinating. If you have ever seen “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, you have seen the enormous butte. Over 1200 feet above the Belle Fourche River, it has huge vertical fractures. It has become a rock climbers dream. There is a voluntary ban on rock climbing, although we did see some people up on the side. We walked along the tower trail that circles the butte, a little over a mile. The views from the trail, the foliage, and trees were a hiker’s paradise. There are several trails and paths for hikers. Technically, it is over 5000 feet above sea level.

Thank you for taking the time to continue to read Pambling Roads. I appreciate the emails and comments. I love to hear from readers.

 It has been a great adventure, meeting the Americans, and meeting people from all over the world. Share with us, we want to hear all about it! Have you been to any of the places I have mentioned? Do you have stories to tell as well? Take advantage of comment section below and tell us your stories.  

Pam’s website www.pamelaackerson.com

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These journals are for you!

Purchase My Wyoming Journal

Pages for you to fill in the blanks.
A personal journal with tidbits and trivia about Wyoming.
Lined and Unlined for your convenience.
Journaling and diary writing improves and encourages positive attitudes, provides a creative outlet, and is a perfect place to record life's precious events.

All the journals: (Journals do not have images in them.)

Alabama    Arizona    Arkansas    California    Canada    Colorado    Florida    Georgia    Idaho     Illinois     Indiana     Iowa    Kansas    Kentucky    Louisiana     Maine    Maryland    Massachusetts    Michigan    Minnesota    Mississippi    Missouri    Montana    Nebraska    Nevada    New Hampshire    New Mexico    New York    North Dakota    Oregon    Rhode Island    South Carolina    South Dakota    Ohio    Oklahoma    Tennessee    Texas    Utah    Vermont    Virginia    Washington    Wisconsin    Washington, D.C.    Wyoming

and Fortune Cookie Wisdom



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